Directory of Nuisance Wild Animal Control & Removal Specialists
88 Old Orchard · Williamsville, NY 14221 · 716-208-5110 ·

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Nuisance Wild Animal Removal Resource Site offers a list of professionals who trap, capture and remove unwanted animals from residential homes and businesses. They handle nearly all aspects of wildlife control, and resolve conflicts to ensure the nuisance animals wont return or create more damage. And repair damages caused by the animal. Some of the many nuisance animals and trapping methods are listed below. When possible, wild animals are caught and released humanely.

Coyote & Coyote Removal:
Coyote is a member of the dog family usually weigh 30 to 40 lb, though there are some examples up to 75 pounds. coyotes are south of wolf populations. Foothold or jump trapsvare used. Since coyote are canines, the same trap sets that are used for fox can be used for coyotes.

Fox & Fox Removal:
The red and gray fox are canines that inhabit mixed forest and field areas. They eat various foods such as mice, rabbits, birds and fruit. They are a challenging animal to trap as they have a highly developed sense of smell. Leg hold traps are usually used to catch fox, although some use snares.

Muskrats & Muskrat Removal:
Muskrats are rodents that live in freshwater swamps, streams, ponds, lakes and brackish tidal waters. Muskrats have brown fur in freshwater and black fur in brackish water. They live in bank dens or small lodges made of weeds. Lodges can be up to three feet high. Muskrats follow trails in the streams or swamps where they live, thus they can be fairly easy to catch. Traps are placed on a muskrat trail or in front of den entrances.

Mice & Mice Removal: Mice can be considered vermin which are a major source of crop damage causing structural damage and spreading diseases through their parasites and feces. Breathing dust that has come in contact with mouse excrement has been linked to hantavirus, which may lead to hantavirus pulmonary syndrome. Mice are small rodents that are very abundant and widespread, trapping them is done with many varieties of mousetrap. Mice are trapped for pest control. Spring-loaded mousetrap are the normal trapping methods.

Moles & Moles Removal: Moles are considered agricultural pests. Moles burrow and raise molehills, killing parts of lawns. They can undermine plant roots, indirectly causing damage or death. Moles do not eat plant roots. Moles are controlled with traps such as mole-catchers, smoke bombs, and poisons such as calcium carbide.

Rats & Rats Removal:
Rats are medium-sized rodents that are larger than mice, trapping them is done with rat traps.

Raccoons & Raccoons Removal:
Raccoons are nocturnal animals. They travel near streams, ponds, rivers and along fields or swamps. Jump traps are typically used by placing them in a shallow pit.

Skunks and Opossums & Their Removal:
Skunks are weasels and opossums are marsupials and both prefer a variety in their diet. They travel in upland areas around barns and farm areas. They like mice, berries, fruits, apples, carrion, insects, eggs, birds, and dead animals. Long spring or jump traps are normally used.

Snakes & Snakes Removal:
Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles that lack eyelids and external ears. Most species are nonvenomous and those that have venom use it primarily to kill and subdue prey rather than for self-defense. Some possess venom potent enough to cause painful injury or death to humans. Nonvenomous snakes either swallow prey alive or kill by constriction. It's recommended you hire a licensed professional who knows how to remove snakes properly.

Squirrels & Squirrels Removal:
Many members of the Squirrel family hide food for later recovery. Some caches are quite temporary, especially those seen near a site of where there is alot of food. Food that can be retrieved within hours or days later. To trap squirrels and to make sure they do not return. For Squirrel, some use a small, live cage trap secured in place. Then Relocate them.

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